UK Petition Calls for Donald Trump to be Banned From Britain

    Could Donald Trump be banned from entering Britain? Officials saying “no” despite a growing number of calls from critics unhappy at his plan to keep Muslims from entering the U.S.

    FOX News’ Simon Owen explains from London:

    If a petition attracts 100,000 signatures here in the UK, the British Parliament has to consider holding a debate…

    And that’s what’s happened with a campaign to bar Donald Trump from entering the country, set up by Suzanne Kelly…

    (Kelly) “It’s sending a pretty clear message that people over here are fed up with his rhetoric of hate.”

    However, when challenged in Parliament to back a ban, British Finance Minister George Osborne saying…

    (Osborne) “The best way to confront the views of someone like Donald Trump is to engage in a robust democratic argument with him.”

    The government will at least have to supply a written response.

    In London, Simon Owen, FOX News.