Jeb Bush Visits Nevada… Donald Trump Continues To Lead Polls

Donald Trump continues to top the polls as Jeb Bush heads West.

FOX News Radio’s Jessica Rosenthal has more on the 2016 Presidential race:

Jeb Bush went to Nevada, which has become the first state in the West to hold caucuses in an election year. Lawmakers and other leaders peppered him with questions about land management as the federal government owns most Nevada’s land.

(Bush) “The Department of the Interior needs to be moved out of  Washington D.C. … All of 90% plus of their activities are out here, but the folks that actually do the work that impede the partnership from being created… all live in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington.”

Lately, Bush has been defending his brother’s two terms in office as Donald Trump continues to say that George W. Bush failed to keep America safe after 9/11.

Trump continues to dominate with the latest polls giving him anywhere from 25 to 32% support.

Jessica Rosenthal, FOX News Radio.