Michigan Powerball Winner Still In Disbelief, ‘Quit’ Third Shift Job

    A woman from Michigan is everybody’s new best friend after coming forward with the winning ticket to last week’s monster Powerball game.

    FOX News Radio’s Jeff Monosso has the story:

    50-year-old Julie Leach of Three Rivers, Michigan, picked up a Powerball ticket on the way to her third shift job last Wednesday. Hours later…

    (Leach) “Was having a really bad night at work, thought well I might as well check my numbers while I’m sitting here waiting for my lunch, and that’s when I realized that I was the winner.”

    Winning the $310 million Powerball jackpot and suddenly things were looking up.

    (Leach) “Oh I quit automatically… I was done!”

    Leach says she’s still in disbelief and that she hasn’t even begun to think about what she’ll do with the money other then taking care of her three kids and eleven grandchildren.

    Jeff Monosso, FOX News Radio.