Sleepwalking Defense Yields Murder Acquittal In Dad’s Trial

fn-itunes-podcasts-thumbnails-legal-lisIn this week’s Legal Lis: Lis chats with Gary & Scott at KFAB in Omaha, NE about an apartment owner who included a provision in their lease agreement allowing for a $10k fine for social media criticism; Lis and Al at WNDB in Daytona Beach, FL talk all about the Robert Durst case; Lis also speaks with Ron at WHJJ in Providence, RI about a sleepwalking defense that yielded a murder acquittal in the trial of a man charged with killing his 4 year old daughter; Lis & BJ at WDUN in Gainesville, GA talk about lawmakers in Utah voting to become the only state to allow death by firing squad; she also speaks with Attorney Dwane Cates to get his take on all those cases.

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