Ohio Veteran Fights To Keep Pet Ducks
An Ohio veteran is in a legal fight to keep unusual pets he says are therapeutic.
FOX News Radio’s Lisa Brady reports:
After serving in Iraq, Darin Welker was medically discharged from the Ohio National Guard. He has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and says his pets help relieve it.
In this case…. Pet ducks… Probably sounding a lot like these .
But he had 14 of them and was convicted of violating a village ban in West Lafayette, east of Columbus.
Welker has since given some of the ducks away, he’s down to six, but that’s still too many and he’s fighting to keep them — appealing the misdemeanor conviction in Coshocton County Court.
Welker’s attorney arguing his ducks help maintain a calm environment and are therapeutic. The village argues there isn’t enough evidence the ducks are medically necessary.
Lisa Brady, FOX News Radio.