Gas Prices On The Way Back Up?

    Sonu Singh

    It’s been nice paying less for gas these past few months, but the decline in price might be over. Many filling stations are now flipping price cards back in an upwards direction.

    FOX News Radio’s Eben Brown reports:

    You’ve been holding out for $1.99 gas, but…

    (Laskoski) ”We’ve seen the national average price of gas go up seven cents a gallon just in the past week.”

    Gregg Laskoski is a senior analyst at He says the upward tick is a regular thing in the first quarter as refineries shut down for maintenance…

    (Laskoski) ”That creates a tighter supply. If you think about 140 refineries doing the same thing at the same time, this is what contributes to the annual increase at this time of year.”

    And that we’ve bottom out, and that gas prices could hit $3 a gallon this year.

    Eben Brown, FOX News Radio.