VIRAL VIDEOS: Girl Desperate to be Nicki Minaj After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Here’s what’s going viral now on Facebook.
“Kin and Moose: Gin and Juice Halloween Parody from the Holderness Family.”
The Holderness family, notorious for viral parody videos like “Baby Got Class” is back with a new, seasonal clip. Covering Snoop Dog’s early ’90’s hit “Gin and Juice,” the parents rap about their Halloween woes, as they are forced to dress up like the characters from the movie Frozen to appease their children. Cue the song’s hook and the clever play on words.
Then, there’s this:
With Election Day just around the corner, Republican Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell ups the ante in this campaign spot, mocking antics that cause clips to go viral; including his own version of the Jean Claude Van Damme – “Epic Split” video. Senator McConnell gets brownie points for bringing a dose of comedy to the campaign trail.
And, Facebook users are hitting the “like” button on:
“Girl Desperate to be Nicki Minaj After Wisdom Teeth Removal.”
Videos of people under the influence of anesthesia are the gift that keeps on giving. In this clip, a woman whines about how she doesn’t look like the popular female rapper after having her wisdom teeth removed. Clearly out of it, the lady also complains about not being friends with Ellen DeGeneres, before going a questionable step further. It’s common knowledge The Ellen DeGeneres Show likes to feature people from viral videos. Makes one wonder if this whole clip is for real, but it’s still amusing nonetheless.
For these videos and more, go to FOX News
I’m Lauren Faulkner and those are your Facebook Status Updates on FOX News Radio.
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