U.S. Intelligence Confirms Video of American Journalist Beheading Is Authentic. Parents Of Slain James Foley Release Statements.

The United States confirms the video of the beheading of an American journalist is authentic.
FOX News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland reports from Washington.
ISIS splashed the video online, showing the beheading of James Foley, and they’re threatening to do the same to another American journalist, Steven Sotloff .
Republican House Intelligence Committee Chair Mike Rogers says intelligence officials are trying to uncover the the identity of the man in black, who spoke in a British accent before killing Foley.
(Rogers) “Every little speck of information on that video will be a clue for the intelligence community.”
The background, for example, could determine the exact location where the beheading took place.
In Washington, Rachel Sutherland, FOX News Radio.

The grief-stricken parents of murdered American journalist James Foley are remembering their son as a courageous soul who wanted to tell the stories of those who didn’t have a voice.
Diane Foley is the mother of the fallen journalist and spoke about the spirit of her son.
John Foley is the father of the fallen journalist and said he is happy to know his son is finally at rest.