Actress Lauren Bacall Dies at 89

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    (AP File Photo)

    Legendary Stage and Screen Actress Lauren Bacall has died in her Manhattan home.
    FOX News Radio’s Michelle Pollino reports.

    (Bacall) “You know to whistle don’t you, Steve? You just put your lips together and blow.”

    It was Director Howard Hawks who cast Lauren Bacall opposite Humphrey Bogart in “To Have and Have Not,” at 19 -becoming a star and marrying her leading man, 25 years older than her. Bogey died of cancer in 1957. She talks about him in her 2009 Governors Award acceptance speech.

    (Bacall) “And he gave me a life and he changed my life.  He told me about the ins and outs and ups and downs, of which there were many. Not so many downs with him.

    She and Bogey had two kids she later had a brief marriage and another child with actor Jason Robards. She died from complications of a stroke.

    Michelle Pollino, FOX News Radio.

    (AP File Photo)
    (AP File Photo)

    Stage and screen legend Lauren Bacall has died at the age of 89.

    FOX News Radio’s Chris Foster takes a look back at her life.

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    (AP File Photo)

    The sultry actress is famous for dozens of movies, a Broadway career and her marriage to Humphrey Bogart. The two fell in love during the filming of  ”To Have and Have Not.”

    FOX’s Molly Line remembers some of  Bacalls’ career highlights.