Border Disorder: Dealing With The Border Crisis


    House Republicans are working on their own plan to try to solve a crisis at the border.

    FOX News Radio’s Jared Halpern has more from the Capitol:

    Key House Republicans are suggesting a near $4 billion ask from the President to deal with the surge of unaccompanied kids crossing the border is too expensive.

    (Rodgers) “What kind of money is needed immediately, both in terms of policy and the cost. And what can wait.”

    Appropriations Committee Chairman Hal Rodgers stopped short of suggesting how much a Republican counter-offer would cost, but says it will accomplish a White House goal to speed up the process for returning children back to Central America. That is troublesome to some Democrats who worry about less due process for migrants.

    At the Capitol, Jared Halpern, FOX News Radio.

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