Satan Statue Controversy

    (AP Photo/Satanic Temple)
    (AP Photo/Satanic Temple)

    The devil is in the details. A group of satanists want to put a monument at the Oklahoma state capitol, near a Ten Commandments monument already built on the property.

    FOX News Radio’s Dave Anthony reports:

    The seven-foot tall statue features Satan sitting down– big horns coming out of his goat-like head and a long beard. A group of New York satanists have formally submitted plans for it at Oklahoma’s state capitol, hoping people will sit in the devil’s lap for inspiration and contemplation. They say the state allowing a privately-funded Ten Commandments monument at the capitol paved Satan’s way. Brady Henderson and the ACLU are suing to remove the Ten Commandments:

    Henderson: “If that monument is allowed to stay, we don’t see a way that the state can then deny other religions.”

    Oklahoma’s Capitol Preservation Commission has placed a moratorium on all monument requests until the lawsuit’s resolved.

    Dave Anthony, FOX News Radio.

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