Teen In Trouble For Being A Designated Driver [VIDEO]


A Massachusetts student is in trouble at school for how she tried to help a friend.

FOX News Radio’s Dave Anthony reports:

Erin Cox’s mother says:

Cox’s Mother: “She did what she thought was right and I’m proud of her.”

What did the 17 year-old do?

After getting a call from a friend who drank too much and needed a ride home, Cox went to a party. Around the same time, police showed up– they arrested a dozen teens and summonsed her and others to court. Cox was later cleared because she wasn’t drinking. But, is still being stripped of her volleyball team captaincy and suspended for five games. North Andover High School says she violated a no-tolerance drug and alcohol policy.

Cox family attorney Wendy Murphy says it sets a bad precedent:

Murphy: “You don’t want that friend to say– sorry I can’t help you I might end up in trouble at school.”

Dave Anthony, FOX News Radio.

Watch the VIDEO below for more on this story: