[VIDEO] @AnnDRomney on New Cookbook

Brian sat down with ANN ROMNEY, wife of former Governor & presidential candidate of Mitt Romney. Ann is author of the new cookbook The Romney Family Table: Sharing Home-Cooked Recipes & Favorite Traditions.  She talked about the flood of emotions she felt writing the book; from her own childhood and those of her sons.  She also discussed the importance of family time at the dinner table, “Times get busy and parents are running around, but it’s not just the recipe, it’s not the food, it’s the conversation that takes place around the food.”

Brian also asked her if she thought her husband would be a better leader for today’s country.  “I am 100 % convinced that Mitt would have been a much better president for this country, economically, domestically and in an international sense. What was missed, was the heart of this man and how much he cares about what’s going on.” Ann also weighed in on the current government shutdown, giving both sides of Washington an ‘F.’