Coffee Personality Clues

Here’s something to percolate on. Your coffee order may reveal more than you think to your local barista.
FOX News Radio’s Tonya J. Powers explains:

(music) Clinical psychologist Dr. Ramani Durvasula says how you take your coffee gives clues to your personality. Durvasula surveyed 1,000 coffee drinkers and says people who take their coffee black are no-nonsense people, but can be moody and set in their ways. Like yours instant? You’re traditional and laid back, but can be a poor planner. If you’re partial to frozen, blended coffee drinks, you’re spontaneous but childlike. Gotta have cream and sugar? You’re a people pleaser who can get overextended. And, if you like those specially ordered drinks, you like being in control, but can be obsessive and a perfectionist.
Tonya J. Powers, FOX News Radio.