Congress Revisits Student Loan Rates

    Student Loans

    Congress is working to dial-back, the doubling of student loan rates, that kicked in during the July Fourth recess.

    FOX News Radio’s Jared Halpern reports from Washington:

    Federally subsidized student loan interest rates jumped to 6.8% last week, Congressional leaders scrambling for a fix.

    (Reid) “The two Republican proposals, one from the House and one from the Senate, are worse than nothing.”

    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, instead pushing a rate freeze, extending the debate another year.

    (Alexander) “Why in the world the Senate would leave seven million middle income families twisting in the wind, when we have a chance for a permanent solution, I cannot imagine.”

    Tennessee Republican Lamar Alexander supports a plan that links student loans to market factors and treasury rates.

    In Washington, Jared Halpern, FOX News Radio.