Death By Credit Card

    Credit Card

    A North Carolina couple is trying to get credit, for just being alive.

    FOX News Radio’s Dave Anthony explains:

    Louya: “He’s like, my heart’s still beatin’. I’m alive obviously!”

    But as the Trinity, North Carolina couple tried to refinance a car loan:

    Louya: “She pulled mine and my husband’s information. Boom, there it was.”

    It turns out, after they canceled a store credit card, they were listed as deceased. So now their credit is locked and they can’t get any new card or loan.

    Louya: “Who else has one that this could have happened to and they don’t know it.”

    So what if it does happen to you?

    Wilson: “File a dispute with the three major CRA’s.”

    Demitra Wilson with one of those credit reporting agencies, Equifax, says by law, it has to be resolved in 30 days.

    Dave Anthony, FOX News Radio.