FOX on Tech: Smartphone Security

Smartphone Security

Millions of Americans have a false sense of security about their smartphones, according to a new survey in the June issue of Consumer Reports.

FOX News Radio’s Lisa Brady has a look:

FOX on Tech.

When it’s practically fused to your hand, what could possibly go wrong?  But what if your smartphone ends up in someone else’s hands?

(Fox) “About 40% of people are not taking the most basic security procedures, like setting up a screen lock or putting software on the phone that could find the phone if it’s lost or stolen.”

Jeff Fox of Consumer Reports says another common mistake is private transactions, like banking, in crowded public places: coffee shops, hotels, airports.

(Fox) “That’s not safe to do.  People sitting right next to you, they could be grabbing your password or your account number.”

He also says beware of malicious apps, back-up your photos and other data, and turn off location tracking when you’re not using it.

Lisa Brady, FOX News Radio.