Preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse

    ODD Zombie Apocalypse Michigan

    Are you ready for the Zombie Apocalypse?  One school is digging deep, working hard to make sure you are.

    FOX News Radio’s Chris Hoenig reports:

    ODD Zombie Apocalypse Michigan

    Zombies everywhere in Ann Arbor Tuesday morning!  Dozens of them participating in a Zombie Apocalypse drill at the University of Michigan.

    ODD Zombie Apocalypse Michigan

    The exercise testing grad students in emergency preparedness, but the idea of using an attack of the undead for disaster training isn’t new.

    (Stutzky) “One of the focuses of the class is going to be on human behavior during catastrophic times.”

    ODD Zombie Apocalypse Michigan

    Professor Glenn Stutzky teaches an online class at Michigan State University simply called “Surviving the Coming Zombie Apocalypse.”  Even the CDC is involved – Tuesday’s drill based on a Centers for Disease Control zombie preparedness program that can be found online.

    Chris Hoenig, FOX News Radio.

    ODD Zombie Apocalypse Michigan

    CLICK HERE to see some video from Tuesday’s drill from