Judge: bin Laden’s Relatives Not Liable For 9/11

    bin Laden Lawsuits

    An appeals court has sided with the family of Usama bin Laden in a lawsuit brought by the families of 9/11 victims.

    FOX News Radio’s Lilian Woo reports:

    A construction company founded by Usama bin Laden’s father cannot be held liable for the 9/11 attacks; this ruling from a New York appeals court.  The judge saying plaintiffs had failed to connect the terror mastermind with the lucrative family business where he was once a shareholder.

    The appeals court also saying five relatives of the al-Qaeda founder cannot be held liable, but it did reinstate claims brought against 12 defendants accused of using charities to support the terror group.  The rulings stem from lawsuits brought by September 11th victims.

    Lilian Woo, FOX News Radio.