Presidential Pets

    Presidential Pets

    The White House is, of course, the place where the President lives, but over the years it has also served as a home to a menagerie of pets.

    FOX News Radio’s Mike Majchrowitz reports from the White House on a new children’s book on presidential pets:

    Pets have been such a part of White House history that it’s hard to imagine this place with them. Bo in the Obama administration, Barney during the Bush’s, and Buddy and Socks during the Clinton years.

    The new graphic novel “Presidential Pets” looks at the long history of First Animals. Author Paul Salamoff says it wasn’t always dogs and cats.

    (Salamoff) “The 15th President James Buchanan, he had a dog but he also had two bald eagles and he had a herd of elephants that were like given to him by the King of Siam.”

    And horses were often pets at the White House. Right up to John F. Kennedy, who gave his daughter Caroline a pony named Macaroni.

    At the White House, Mike Majchrowitz, FOX News Radio.