What If It Comes Down to Western Swing States?

Things could wrap up pretty quickly on Election Night depending what the results are – and how quickly they come in – in swing states in the eastern part of the country.  But we could still be tracking results as the race meanders west.  So, what’s going on in the swing states out in that direction?

FOX News Radio’s Jessica Rosenthal has the two biggest:

In Colorado, where the President had had a three-point lead – still within the margin of error of most polls – it has tightened.  The two are basically even, within a point of one another.

In Nevada, where polling has shown the President leading Mitt Romney, it’s narrowing.  His average three-points ahead is also within the margin of error of most polls.

The Denver Post has endorsed the President, saying he has shown he’s a steady leader who keeps the interests of a broad array of Americans in mind.  The Las Vegas Review-Journal has endorsed Romney, saying he’s what’s needed to avoid a future calamity created by inaction on entitlements and government growth.

Jessica Rosenthal, FOX News Radio.