Giffords’ Shooter to Plead Guilty

    The man arrested in the attempted assassination of then-Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords will plead guilty in connection with the mass shooting on Tuesday, but what exactly happens after that remains unclear.

    FOX News Radio’s Steve Rappoport has details:

    Jared Loughner will plead guilty in last year’s Tucson shooting that killed six people and severely wounded former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and 12 others.  Sources familiar with the deal tell FOX News that mental health officials believe 23-year-old Loughner is now competent to enter a plea, and a psychiatrist will testify to that.

    The unknown: Will the judge accept the plea?  The terms of the deal remain unclear as to whether Loughner would admit guilt to all or some of the charges, in return for a sentence of life in prison.

    Steve Rappoport, FOX News Radio.