Thousands of Bees Cause Flight Delay
It was an unusual reason for delaying a flight: thousands of honey bees.
FOX News Radio’s Ron Flatter has the details:
We know flocks of birds cause problems for airplanes. But how about this?
(The Swarm) ”A swarm of killer bees is coming this way.”
Okay, it wasn’t as dramatic as that old movie.
(Flight of the Bumblebee)
But there was a flight of the bumblebees, actually honey bees.
Thousands of them gathered on the wing of a Delta plane about to take off for New York from Pittsburgh International.
Beekeeper Stephen Repasky was summoned for the fourth time this year. He thinks the bees live in a colony near the airport.
Since they’re a protected species they can’t be killed legally, but thanks to Repasky everyone and every bee finally got airborne.
Ron Flatter, FOX News Radio.