Talking Urinal Cakes Deter MI Drunk Drivers

    There’s some talking going on in the men’s room in various Michigan locations…but it’s not what you think.

    FOX News Radio’s Jennifer Keiper has the state’s newest initiative to curb drunk drivers:

    Men, if you use the urinal at a bar in Michigan this holiday weekend, you might here this:

    (Talking Urinal Cake) “Hey, listen up.  That’s right, I’m talking to you.”

    It’s a talking urinal cake.

    (Men from MI) “That’s kinda wrong.”//”In a man’s urinal? Oh, no.  You gotta be kidding me.”//”It’s interesting.  It’s unique, never seen anything like that before.”

    And the state of Michigan is hoping that people get the message, which is a serious one.

    (Talking Urinal Cake) “Had a few drinks?  Maybe a few too many?  Then do yourself and everyone else a favor, call a sober friend or a cab.”

    The state urinal cake program runs through July 8th.

    Jennifer Keiper, FOX News Radio.

    CLICK HERE for more on these talking urinal cakes, including VIDEO, from