Vietnam To Open New Sites for MIA Search

    The United States can go into new areas of Vietnam looking for MIA’s. Vietnam says it will open previously restricted excavation sites so that the U.S. can look for missing troops.

    FOX News Radio’s Jared Halpern reports from Washington:

    In the first visit of its kind since the war, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta spent today in Hanoi meeting with senior Vietnamese government officials.

    Vietnam agreeing to open three new sites for excavation the U.S. believes are critical in finding still missing service members, part of a wider effort to repair relations between the two countries.

    (Panetta) “Frankly, the most destabilizing situation would be if we had a group of weak nations and only the United States and China were major powers in this region.”

    More than 1,200 Americans remain unaccounted for in Vietnam.

    In Washington, Jared Halpern, FOX News Radio.