Law Brings Evolution Debate Back To TN

    A new law in Tennessee opens the door to students challenging evolution.

    FOX News Radio’s Chris Stanley reports:

    The first big legal battle over evolution was fought in Tennessee nearly 90 years ago, the infamous ‘Scopes Monkey Trial’.

    Now a law will be going into effect in that state on April 20th that will protect teachers who allow students to criticize evolution and other scientific theories.

    Republican Governor Bill Haslam had said he’d likely sign the bill. But last week, Haslam was given a petition with more than 3,000 signatures urging a veto.

    Scientists in Tennessee and with the American Association for the Advancement of Science say evolution is established science that shouldn’t be taught as controversy. So Haslam’s letting the bill become law without his signature.

    Chris Stanley, FOX News Radio.