Japan Disaster: One Year Later – Fukushima Frustrations

    Sunday marks one year since the triple disaster in Japan, where an earthquake on March 11, 2011 triggered a tsunami that caused a leak at a nuclear power plant – a disaster that killed an estimated 20,000.  And one year on, Japan still hasn’t been able to cap the leaking reactors at the Fukushima power plant, where some predict there’ll be an environment cost for decades to come.

    FOX News Radio’s Alastair Wanklyn reports from Tokyo, where evacuees say the worst part is the uncertainty, in our special series, “Japan Disaster: One Year Later”:

    I’m standing outside an apartment building in Tokyo, where almost 200 families were evacuated in the days after the meltdown.  This girl came here with five of her family members.  Some living here say they’re frustrated with their treatment.  This man says they used to enjoy collecting mushrooms in the hills above his town: now it’s unclear if they’ll ever be going home.  

    But are these the only people in danger from radiation?  It is widely assumed not, but that the Japanese government is unwilling to mobilize larger numbers of evacuees.

    In Tokyo, Alastair Wanklyn, FOX News Radio.