Decision Day: Florida Primary

With the state’s primary today, Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich battle until the end for the top spot in Florida. Romney holds a double-digit lead over Gingrich in most of the polls, but Gingrich is not backing down.

I’m Eben Brown in Orlando…

Mitt Romney has been telling supporters, like a crowd thousands-strong at The Villages Retirement community, that he will take President Obama to task over deficit spending.

(Romney) ”I will say instead, that we should cut federal spending, that we should cap federal spending and that we should make sure we finally balance the budget.”

But missing from his final stump speech before primary day was any mention of his chief rival for the GOP nomination. A rival who claims Romney’s done nothing during primary season but to attack him.

(Keiper) Newt Gingrich, on a state fly-around tells a group of supporters at an airport hanger in Tampa to help get friends to the polls.

(Newt)”This is another difference between Romney and me. I love people power, not money power and I think people power will win.”

Most of the polls show Mitt Romney in the lead. Back on the campaign trail after his daughter’s illness, Rick Santorum tells Missouri voters that Gingrich and Romney are engaging in “gutter politics.”

Ron Paul is focusing on Maine and Nevada.

In Tampa, Jennifer Keiper, FOX News Radio.

CLICK HERE to read Jennifer Keiper’s American Dispatch: A Primary on the Horizon.