Salvation Army Surprise: Valuables Ending Up in Donation Kettles

    More than just spare change has been turning up in those store-front red Salvation Army kettles.

    Tom Graham of FOX News Radio affiliate WRDU reports from Raleigh, NC:

    The Salvation Army in Winston-Salem, NC got a sizable donation dropped off in one of their red kettles this week: a diamond and emerald bracelet.  Kent Davis of the Salvation Army says they had the jewelry appraised.

    (Davis) “When he looked at it, he said ‘It’s probably an estimated value around $3,000.’  I’m like, ‘You’re kidding me!'”

    The expensive donation isn’t that unusual.  In northeastern Kansas, a lone diamond was dropped off in a red kettle there.  In central Pennsylvania and Tennessee, rare South African gold coins worth more than $1,700 a piece have turned up in kettles.  The donors remain a mystery.

    In Raleigh, Tom Graham, FOX News Radio.