AEHQ: What Would They Do? National Security – Gingrich

He’s surged to the top of the polls.  But where does GOP Presidential candidate, and former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich stand on national security and foreign policy decisions?

FOX News Radio’s Rich Johnson has details in our FOX News Radio special election series, “What Would They Do?”:

From America’s Election Headquarters…

(Gingrich) “We have mortal enemies who are determined to kill us.”

A major motivator for Newt Gingrich’s foreign policy and national defense philosophy: acknowledging that radical Islamists, a small but powerful minority of Muslims, are at war with us.  Gingrich says Israel is vital to waging that war, and keeping the rest of the Middle East in check.  He says that means we must stand with Israel.

(Gingrich) “This one-sided continuing pressure that says it’s always Israel’s fault, no matter how bad the other side is, has to stop.”

Gingrich says he’ll judiciously use U.S. military force with clear, obtainable goals.  His plan also calls for securing the southern border and reducing our dependence on foreign oil.

Rich Johnson, FOX News Radio.

CLICK HERE to listen to more of our FOX News Radio special election series, “What Would They Do?” including reports on jobs and national security.