Tea Parties Are Hard Work

Okay, so I’ll just admit it. I’m a workaholic. I like to play hard too (think surfing!) but I am guilty of going on extended assignments for work when the opportunity arises because I love what I do… but it’s been a few weeks since I was home last.

Thus today, I really wanted a day to myself with Scooter – so Principal Jenkins called school off.

It was cold and rainy here… so we went to the Build-A-Bear store and created “Fluffy” the stuffed Groundhog. We brought “Fluffy” home and started having a very elaborate Tea Party for all of her bears – of which there are MANY!

She worked the kitchen in Scooter’s Tea Room and I, the waiter. We hustled to take orders and find things to use for plates and cups… and when all the bears had been served, this weary waiter took a five-minute break right there on the floor – and actually fell asleep!

After several unsuccessful attempts to lull me out of the fog, Scooter determined, “You SURE MUST BE EXHAUSTED from just a teensie bit of work,” she said (while exacting with her forefinger and thumb the actual amount “teensie” meant).

The things kids say… Priceless!

Oh, and there was one other thing she told me today in the car on the way home from the store. She doesn’t think she’ll decide to get her driver’s license. She says it’s ONLY ten years away and she’s afraid she won’t have time to study for the test.