Pajamas and Polls

So the Senate staged an “all-nighter” to debate the war in Iraq. Every major newspaper in America has pictures of the cots being set up in the Senate halls and pizzas being delivered… all they seemed to be missing were the movies and popcorn.

In fact, they are still going at the time of this posting (0955). So I guess there’s some slumbering irony in that Reuters/Zogby just released this “wake up” call:

Eighteen months before Bush leaves the White House, nearly two-thirds of Americans say the country is headed in the wrong direction and give the president negative marks for his job performance.

An even bigger majority, 83 percent, say the Democratic-controlled Congress is doing only a fair or poor job — the worst mark for Congress in a Zogby poll.(AP)

What is one to make of this?

Words escape me here, but suffice it to say that it might be a good time for Washington to take two aspirin and get a good night’s sleep…