Should You Abandon Eating Fried Foods?

Do you really need to ditch fried foods?

FOX’s Alex Hein has more:

This is Housecall for Health.

While there are plenty of health gurus urging you to ditch fried foods, at least one study wants you to think twice.

A study published in Food Chemistry found that the antioxidant content of deep-fried potatoes, pumpkin, tomatoes, and eggplant was significantly higher than sauteed or boiled veggies.

It’s no secret that adding a fat source to vegetables like roasting them with olive oil or using full fat salad dressing boosts absorption of fat soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K, so it’s not totally illogical that deep-frying could take it a step further.

According to the study, when vegetables are fried in healthy oil, antioxidant compounds in the oil are transferred to the veggies.

As for greasy foods like fried chicken, popcorn shrimp, and cheese curds, researchers aren’t quite sure.

It’s also not a free ticket to go haywire over fried vegetables either, especially if they’re coated before fried.

Researchers also only tested extra virgin olive oil, which typically isn’t what the restaurant is using to deep fry your sides.

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Housecall for Health, I’m Alex Hein, FOX News.