Guy Benson

It's been over 10 months since the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. The confirmation hearings are famously known for the testimony of...

Fox News Radio's Guy Benson & Former Tony Snow Show Radio Producer Griff Jenkins remember the life and legacy of the former Fox News...

The Guy Benson Show on FOX News Talk! Download, enjoy and please give us a review! And remember to listen to The Guy Benson Show...

Kentucky Democratic Senate candidate Amy McGrath who is challenging to unseat Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnel (R-KY) infuriated members of her own party across...

Congresswoman Alexandria Occasio Cortez (D-NY) continues to butt heads with Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). The United States Women's National Soccer Team celebrated their 4th...

Congressman Jim Banks (R-In) spoke to Fox News Radio's Guy Benson about the Census citizenship question, tensions between the United States & Iran, Presidential...

The Guy Benson Show on FOX News Talk! Download, enjoy and please give us a review! And remember to listen to The Guy Benson Show...

Fresh off Sunday's World Cup win, US Women's National Soccer Team Captain Megan Rapinoe spoke exclusively to CNN's "AC360" in a wide-ranging interview on...

The Guy Benson Show on FOX News Talk! Download, enjoy and please give us a review! And remember to listen to The Guy Benson Show...

Top Congressional Democrats have called on Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta to resign over a past plea deal he cut as a U.S. attorney that...

2020 presidential hopeful, Bernie Sanders (I-VT), is campaigning on the promise to cancel all student debt. Some believe he's promising more than is possible...

Not Making Cens(us)! House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Monday criticized President Donald Trump's continued push to add a citizenship question to the upcoming 2020...

The Guy Benson Show on FOX News Talk! Download, enjoy and please give us a review! And remember to listen to The Guy Benson Show...

Rumors are circulating that billionaire & liberal activist Tom Steyer will be adding his name to the list of 2020 democratic presidential hopefuls. FOX...

The Guy Benson Show on FOX News Talk! Download, enjoy and please give us a review! And remember to listen to The Guy Benson Show...

The Guy Benson Show on FOX News Talk! Download, enjoy and please give us a review! And remember to listen to The Guy Benson Show...

The Guy Benson Show on FOX News Talk! Download, enjoy and please give us a review! And remember to listen to The Guy Benson Show...

FOX News Radio Contributor and Editor at National Journal, Josh Kraushaar,  joined the Guy Benson Show to discuss the latest 2020 election polls.

Journalist Andy Ngo was brutally beaten by a raging mob of Antifa protesters in downtown Portland, Oregon on Saturday. Mr. Ngo was left bloodied...

Journalist Andy Ngo was brutally beaten by a raging mob of Antifa protesters in downtown Portland, Oregon on Saturday. He joined the "Guy Benson Show" to discuss what happened