Brian Kilmeade

Leave it to Joe Biden our VP to put a scare into Americans already worried about the swine flu.. Asked why we didn't close...

Brian and The Judge ~ Looking Ahead to 4/30/09 Going Prime Time...Again! ~ President Obama is going Prime Time tonight to talk about his first...

Brian and The Judge ~ Best of the Radio ~ 4/29/09 100 Days! ~ The 100 day mark is a historic day during a president's...

Arlen came on our show Monday and sadly I did not ask him about switching parties and I am kicking myself for not doing...

New snipets of testimony from February by B of A Chief Executive Ken Lewis take us into the bank's merger with Merrill. Here's what...

Today is the third anniversary of Brian and the Judge. Thanks for all your support! Also today, GM is offering the U.S. Government a...

Great idea..lets end a jet liner followed by fighter jet into New york City and not tell the President or the Mayor. That's what...

This is the week of 100 days and although we talked a lot about Al Qaeda and where the investigation is heading -this week...

It appears stress tests may force banks to convert TARP stock and not everyone is happy. Here's why - The government will get whatever...

We end the week with what we started with the release of the CIA TOP SECRET documents. Now even President Obama concludes what we...

Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis says he was pressured to rescue Merrill Lynch. Here's what I think: The Secretary of the Treasury and...

More torture talk dominated the show today. Congrads Dems and Congrads President Obama you now officially own the next chapter in the war against...

Timothy Geithner May Not Let Banks Pay Back TARP funds! Here we go again. Treasury Secretary Geithner has acknowledged that there is no standard...

President Obama decides Tuesday that not only would he release top secret memos and rips their content from the Bush years but now he...

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is now saying he's prepared to remove more executives and directors of banks that recieve "exceptional" aid from the government....

The Federal government committed extortion and they're not being held accountable. What's next? Listen to this: I recently met with the Chair and CEO...

The jury is in- foreign powers love President Obama. If they want him to be successful and be around for 8 years all they...

Lets get this straight the worlds most successful powerful countries gather together set up security and logistics, gather the world press and only meet...