Brian Kilmeade

Brian and The Judge ~ Looking Ahead to 5/15/09 Liar, Liar ~ Speaker Pelosi brought the issue of what she knew about waterboarding and when...

I went to bed thinking President Obama saw the light and decided to bury the photos that would have inflamed the muslim world. Well...

In the famous SCOTUS case, US v Nixon, President Nixon defied a federal court order by issuing an executive order to his own staff...

Brian and The Judge ~ Looking Ahead to 5/14/09 The Doctors Are In ~ Brian and The Judge will be joined by Dr. Scott Gottlieb...

A Wisconsin appellate court has just ruled that the police may secretly come onto private property and secretly install into a private automobile a...

The speaker must be nervous that's the only way we would be hearing the high flying Dem's yelling "foul". Now you actually have the...

Brian and The Judge ~ Looking Ahead 5/13/09 Slash and Burn ~ GM's shares dropped to historic lows today and President Obama cut Chrysler's advertising...

OK I agree we need to fox health care but I dont think the reforms have to be hatched in secret. When you ice...

Brian and The Judge ~ Looking Ahead to 5/12/09 Mr. MD! ~ Brian and The Judge will be joined by Rep. Michael Burgess, M.D. (R-TX)...

The Financial Times is reporting that media executives have approached Sen. John Kerry, who chairs a Senate committee with jurisdiction over these matters, about...

Thanks President Obama for the great lines the many fun filled attacks and for approving Wanda Sykes as the entertainer for the Washington Correspondence...

Republican party has turned on each other Manny Ramirez is taking female hormone and Paula Abdul is denying she told Ladies Home Journal she...

Brian and The Judge ~ Looking Ahead to 5/8/09 Stressed Out ~ Later today the government is going to release the results of the financial...

After a rapid trip to the west coast to interview Simon Cowell I was thrilled to be back with my people on Brian and...

Many Democrats not dancing with glee over the defection of Arlen Specter and its clear to me he does not understand what he did.....

President Obama unveiled a new broad plan to go after offshore tax havens used by US companies. Here's what I think - The proposal...

Brian and The Judge ~ Looking Ahead to 5/5/09 All Over The Map ~ Brian and The Judge will cover it all tomorrow when they...

The New York Times published a very troubling piece this morning. It was the result of weeks of interviews with about a dozen former...

Is Biden making things up or revealing things he shouldn't. You make the call ..Or is the VP's family more important then the American...

Brian and The Judge ~ Looking Ahead to 5/1/09 Week in Review ~ 100 days have come and gone but Brian and The Judge's week...