Jersey City Mayor Isn’t Happy With Donald Trump’s 9/11 Comments

    A New Jersey Mayor is taking issue with Donald Trump’s recent comments about 9/11.

    FOX’s Rachel Sutherland reports:

    At a campaign event over the weekend in Alabama, Trump described seeing something disturbing in Jersey City, New Jersey on the day the Twin Towers fell…

    (Trump) ”Thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down.”

    Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop says that never happened. In a statement, he said, “Trump is plain wrong and is shamefully politicizing an emotionally charged issue.”

    There was TV footage of Muslims in Middle East cheering the attacks, but there’s no evidence in news archives of mass celebrations by Muslims in Jersey City, which sits right across the Hudson River from Lower Manhattan.

    Rachel Sutherland, FOX News.