Speaker Paul Ryan: ‘Things Are Going to be Done Differently’ Here
The new House Speaker, sticking to his plan to do things differently, as Congress faces a deadline for the details on the new two-year deal.
FOX News’ Jared Halpern reports from Capitol Hill:
The first test for Speaker Paul Ryan… A multi-year highway and transportation bill passed overwhelmingly in the House.
(Ryan) “Things are gonna be done a little differently around here. We’re gonna open up this process.”
Ryan wants rank and file members to weigh-in on must-pass bills, like a spending measure needed by December 11…
(Ryan) “I want the House to work its will. I think that’s what the Founders envisioned it to work. And so that means some things will pass and some things won’t and we’re gonna let that happen.”
Ryan also suggesting more cooperation with the Senate, inviting Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to an open-mic session with House Republicans.
On Capitol Hill, Jared Halpern, FOX News.