Confederate Flag Stirs Debate In South Carolina

    The Confederate flag’s presence in South Carolina stirring debate.

    FOX News Radio’s Eben Brown reports:

    Thousands turned up outside the grounds of the state Capitol in Columbia, South Carolina over the weekend, demanding removal of a displayed Confederate battle flag…

    (Protester) “We have this symbol and only they have the power to take it down, and stand-up and say, ‘You know what, South Carolina is a better state than this’.”

    The flag stands at a monument to Confederate soldiers, not atop the Capitol building. But many just want it gone, now that confessed Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof was seen pictured with it.

    (Protester) “It’s a symbol of racial superiority and supremacy. And there’s no place for that anymore.”

    Eben Brown, FOX News Radio.