‘Superbug’ Linked To Deaths At UCLA Hospital

    (AP Photo/Centers for Disease Control)
    (AP Photo/Centers for Disease Control)

    A “superbug” outbreak has killed two and infected several others at a California hospital.

    FOX News Radio’s Tonya J. Powers has the story:

    The “superbug”, called CRE, is resistant to antibiotics and has already killed two people out of seven who were confirmed infected. Now officials at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center say more than 150 more may be sick as well.

    They were exposed to the bug during endoscopic procedures between October and January, when it was discovered during tests on a patient. Endoscopes are used during the diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic and bile-duct problems.

    UCLA officials say the two endoscopes used were contaminated, even though they had been sterilized according to the manufacturer’s specifications. They have since been removed.

    Those who are potentially infected are being sent free home-testing kits.

    Tonya J. Powers, FOX News Radio.