Senator Reid Returns To Capitol

    Harry Reid

    The Senate’s Democratic leader is back at the office, recovering from a serious exercise accident during the winter recess.

    FOX News Radio’s Jared Halpern has more from Capitol Hill:

    With a bandage covering his right eye and bruising on his chin and cheek, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid faced reporters for the first time since breaking ribs and bones his face on New Year’s Day.

    (Reid) “I was doing exercises that I’ve been doing for many years with those large rubber bands.”

    …When one of them broke…

    (Reid) “And spun me around and I crashed into these cabinets.”

    On doctor’s orders Reid has been sidelined from a rigorous Senate schedule. He is scheduled for eye surgery next week, but says right now he’s still plans to run for re-election next year.

    At the Capitol, Jared Halpern, FOX News Radio.