Russia Reacts To New U.S. Sanctions Over Ukraine

    Barack Obama

    The U.S. is leveling another round of sanctions on Russia over the instability in Ukraine.

    FOX News Radio’s Jared Halpern has more from Washington:

    The list of people and companies connected to Russian President Vladimir Putin and now barred from doing business in the U.S. is growing, and now includes leading energy and financial firms.

    (President Obama) “What we are expecting is that the Russian leadership will see once again that its actions in Ukraine have consequences.”

    President Obama, however, stopped short of cutting off entire sectors of Russia’s economy from U.S. interests. Saying instead, these sanctions are targeted, designed to have maximum effect on Russia without negative impacts on U.S. companies.

    In Washington, Jared Halpern, FOX News Radio.

    Vladimir Putin

    Russia’s President talks of serious damage to relations with the U.S. after being hit with another round of sanctions.

    FOX News Radio’s Simon Owen reports:


    Vladimir Putin saying fresh sanctions announced by President Obama will only serve to take U.S.-Russian relations to a dead end. And saying it won’t just be Russian businesses that suffer, but American firms as well.

    The U.S. acting as it continues to blame Russia for stirring up the ongoing unrest in Ukraine, something Putin denies.

    Last night, President Obama announced sanctions targeting Russia’s largest oil company, among others. These new penalties are broader than previous U.S. sanctions, but they stop short of cutting off entire sectors of the Russian economy.

    In London, Simon Owen, FOX News Radio.