The Most ‘Binge-Watched’ Shows


 (AP Photo/AMC, Frank Ockenfels )
(AP Photo/AMC, Frank Ockenfels )

One day, a season makes. ‘Binge-watching’ is giving us a glimpse into the changing landscape of entertainment.

Fox News Radio’s Michelle Pollino reports:

Binge-watching is watching multiple episodes of the same series in a relatively short period of time. TiVo recently conducted a survey as to what shows were the most watched and they also defined ‘the binger’. Jonathan Steuer is Chief Research Officer at TiVo:

Steuer: “Having binge-viewed three or more episodes of the same show in a single day.”

Overall, 91% of the 15,000 surveyed said they have binge-watched. So, where does it go from here?

Steuer: “It becomes the new normal and mutates even further to things like multi-platform binge viewing.”

The survey also revealed “Breaking Bad” is the show ‘most binge-worthy’ followed closely by “House of Cards” and “Game of Thrones.”

Michelle Pollino, FOX News Radio.

Follow Michelle on Twitter: @MichelleFOXENT