Pistorius Murder Trial Witness Recalls Gunshots [VIDEO]

    (AP Photo/Kim Ludbrook, Pool)
    (AP Photo/Kim Ludbrook, Pool)

    In South Africa, the murder trial of Oscar Pistorius continues with more testimony about what happened the day Reeva Steenkamp died.

    FOX News Radio’s Paul Tilsley reports from Pretoria, South Africa:

    Prosecution witness Michelle Burger broke down in tears shortly after she hit the bench in front of the witness stand repeatedly to demonstrate the timing of the four shots she claims she heard coming from Oscar Pistorius’ house last Valentine’s night. Pistorius hunkered down in the dock with his hands behind his neck as the prosecution described where on his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp’s body each of the shots hit. It’s claimed a fourth shot hit Steenkamp in the heard and shortly after that the screams stopped.

    At the Pretoria High Court, Paul Tilsley, FOX News Radio.

    CLICK HERE for more on the murder trial of Oscar Pistorius

    WATCH FOX News Radio’s Paul Tilsley reporting from Pretoria, South Africa: