Kilmeade & Friends NFL Super Bowl 48 Signed Football Giveaway

footballsHere is your opportunity to win a football signed by our guests while at Super Bowl radio row! It’s simple and we are giving away two footballs. There are two ways to enter:

On facebook visit our giveaway status message (click here) and COMMENT on the post.

On twitter visit our giveaway post (click here) and REPLY to the post.

How the Winner is Selected
The winner will be selected by the total score of the game. The winner is the person who was the person to COMMENT or REPLY.

  • is the score of the game.
  • There will be one winner on Facebook and one winner on Twitter.
  • In the event we fall short of enough comments or replies, then the last person to comment or reply before kickoff will be the winner. This time will be determined when the kicker places foot on the ball at the start of the game. We will mark the time based on Any comments after this time will not count.
  • Duplicate comments and replies will be removed. Only enter once.