Back and Forth Budget Battle Continues [VIDEO]


The budget battle in Washington continues and there’s fresh friction over House Republican efforts to propose an alternative to a Senate plan.

FOX News Radio’s Jared Halpern reports from Capitol Hill:

As Senate negotiators hammer out a tentative deal, House Republicans are already floating a counter proposal.

(Boehner) “Trying to find a way forward in a bipartisan way that would continue to provide fairness to the American people under Obamacare.”

House Speaker John Boehner says no decisions have been made on what exactly to do, though the plan would follow a Senate framework to fund the government through the middle of January and extend the debt limit into February but with new provisions aimed at the Affordable Care Act.

(Reid) “I am very disappointed in John Boehner.”

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid calls the House measure a blatant attack on bipartisanship.

On Capitol Hill, Jared Halpern, FOX News Radio.

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