NV Seeks to Legalize Election Betting

    NV Election Betting

    They bet on just about anything in Nevada.  Now, one lawmaker wants to open up wagering on Federal elections.

    FOX News Radio’s Lisa Lacerra has details:

    The bill introduced in the Nevada Senate would allow people to bet on Federal elections – everything from Congressional races to who will win the White House.

    (St. Sen. Segerblom) “They bet on our elections in England.  They spend millions of dollars on the Presidential elections and betting, and it just occurred to me, ‘Why don’t we have that here?'”

    …State Sen. Tick Segerblom, who says it’s time Nevada starts thinking outside the box.  David Schwartz, Director of the University of Nevada – Las Vegas Center for Gaming Research, says even though non-sports betting is only a fraction of gambling revenue, it could pay off.

    (Schwartz) “It’s something that people will only be able to do in Nevada, for now, which is really something that the state needs.”

    But Larry Sabato, the Director of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics, says it may be legal, but it’s also tawdry.

    Lisa Lacerra, FOX News Radio.