FOX on Tech: Taking a Facebook Break

FOX on Tech - Facebook Break

Feel like you need to take a break from Facebook?  Apparently you’re not alone, and some of your friends have probably already taken one.

FOX News Radio’s Jennifer Keiper reports:

FOX on Tech.

Your best friend is just chilling.  Your college buddy posts pictures of food.  The Facebook posts just keep coming, but a new study by the Pew Research Center finds 61% of current users have taken a break from the social network for several weeks or more.  Tech analyst Larry Magid:

(Magid) “It looks to me that Facebook may have reached a peak in the United States – not globally, but in the United States.”

Most surveyed – 21% – say they’re just too busy.

(Facebook User) “It seemed overwhelming, like I had to do a whole bunch of things and I had to keep on top of everybody.”

Ten percent say Facebook is a waste of time; 4% are worried about privacy.  Facebook says it has more than a billion users worldwide and is the most downloaded app in this country.

Oops…Just got poked.  Got to go.

Jennifer Keiper, FOX News Radio.