Picking a New Year’s Resolution
It’s a new year which means it’s time for that annual tradition of promises of self improvement: New Year’s resolutions.
FOX News Radio’s Courtney Kealy reports:
Some keep ’em, some break ’em, but most make ’em… New Year’s resolutions.
(VA Residents) “I’m going to try to finish up my bachelor’s degree.//I try to give up soda then like, I see some, and then I’m like no, I can’t, I’ve got, I can’t live without it.//Got to be a better person, better, ya know, nicer to people and kind to strangers.”
These people in Arlington, Virginia have some diverse ideas about what they want to do in 2013.
Harvard researchers say when it comes to keeping resolutions you’re going to be more successful if you pick one goal and stick with it.
Courtney Kealy, FOX News Radio.