VIRAL VIDEOS: Week of August 17th

Here’s what’s going viral now on Facebook.

“‘Baby Got Back’ Sung by the Movies.”

Movie buffs will enjoy this expertly edited video that stitches together clips from 295 films to re-create Sir Mix-A-Lot’s hit  90’s song, “Baby Got Back” with movie lines.

Then, there’s this:

“Hot Cheetos and Takis.”

This adorable music video features some pint-size rappers rhyming about their favorite snacks while hanging out in a park.  Its part of a program hosted by a Minneapolis YMCA that rewards kids with the opportunity to rap when they do well in school.

And, Facebook users are hitting the “like” button on:

“Julia Child Remixed – Keep on Cooking.”

To celebrate what would have been her 100th birthday; PBS Digital Studios released this tribute to Julia Child by mixing clips from her TV show, The French Chef to create this auto-tuned recipe for happiness.

For these videos and more, go to FOX News Radio dot com.

I’m Lauren Faulkner and those are your Facebook Status Updates on FOX News Radio.

Follow Lauren on Twitter:  @FaulknerFOXNews